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University of Glasgow: Advanced Lymphoedema Management

Institution University of Glasgow View institution profile
Department School of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing
Study type Taught


This programme will provide the advancing healthcare professional wishing to study at Masters level the opportunity to learn the theory and practice of advanced skills in the management of complex lymphoedema, including the Casley-Smith technique of Manual Lymphatic Drainage.

  • The first course will provide students with the necessary skills and the theory underpinning these and explore the evidence base. The second course will facilitate the application of these skills in more complex situations and in the context of delivering and managing a service. This will facilitate further development of skills in analysing and synthesising clinical findings and evidence for decision-making at an advanced level.
  • The programme combines workplace learning with part-time attendance and on-line learning to explore and contextualise contemporary issues and the latest research evidence. It will prepare students to the level of a health care professional Band 7 Lymphoedema Advanced Practitioner as proposed in the Lymphoedema Framework Template for Management (Sneddon, 2007).
  • This specialist framework is based on the Skills for Health Career Framework (2007) and the Knowledge and Skills Framework (DoH 2004).

Main Campus Location

This programme is undertaken at the Gilmorehill Campus, in the West End of Glasgow. Easy to travel to by bus, subway, train or car.

Managing Complex Lymphoedema (40 credits) and Lymphoedema Advanced Practice (20 credits) combine to give the Postgraduate Certificate in Lymphoedema Management.

Core and optional courses


CPD Option

  • Specialist Lymphoedema Management

This programme forms a strong basis for a career in lymphoedema for nursing, or allied healthcare professionals (AHPs). It meets the demand for the preparation of both specialised and extended role practitioners and produces fit-for-purpose NHS practitioners.

You will be trained to the level of a health care professional Band 7 Lymphoedema Advanced Practitioner as proposed in the Lymphoedema Framework Template for Management (Sneddon, 2007).

You will also get an excellent foundation to doctoral research, and/or further training in nursing and health care if you wish to follow that career route.


University of Glasgow

The University of Glasgow is one of the UK’s most prestigious seats of learning, and the fourth oldest university in the English speaking world. Established in 1451 and recognised for its world-changing research and teaching, the University has inspired thinkers from eminent scientist Lord Kelvin and the father of economics Adam Smith, to Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon. 


The University:

  • is ranked 81st in the world in the QS World University Rankings 2023
  • is in the top 100 in the world: Times Higher World University Rankings 2023
  • 95.9% of students in employment or further study 6 months after graduation …
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