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Bangor University: Medical Visualization and Simulation

Institution Bangor University View institution profile
Department School of Computer Science and Engineering View department profile
Study type Research


The main research fields are: medical visualization; surgical simulation; telemedicine; computer graphics; and visualization across the computational Grid. There are strong links externally with the other research groups in this field, and the NHS.

Doctor of Philosophy - PhD

Master of Philosophy - MPhil

Study the latest developments in computing and electronic technologies at Bangor University. We have a great reputation for helpful Academic staff who undertake world-leading research.

Bangor Univeristy ranks amongst the UK's top 30 universities for student satisfaction, based upon the most recent National Student Survey 2020; reflecting the University's focus on overall student experience. 

Our staff figure among the world leaders in a broad range of technologies, from Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition to Data Visualisation; Medical Microwave Electronics and Medical Simulation; Optolectronics, Broadband and Optical Communications; Organic Electronics; Nanotechnology; Nuclear Engineering and more. Undergraduate students undertake their individual …

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